For beta version, access
Next release (in progress)
- Refactor Javascript libraries to ECMAScript modules.
v.1.4 2024-12-02
- Add RP Scripts labels viewer.
- Fix pcset index vector.
- Fix pcset normal form calculus.
- Update npm.
- Fix table syntax.
- Adapt CSS to the Vuepress default theme.
- Improve output board expansion/collapsion.
v.1.3 2024-05-04
- Add the RP Scripts data viewer tool.
- Add the Partitioning counting and listing tool.
- Fix missing not found page.
- Fix broken links.
- Fix sidebar.
- Update dependencies.
- Implement new graphic library with save and zoom options.
v.1.2 2024-01-30
- New Contour composer assistant.
- Add internationalization strucutre
- Add Brazilian portuguese localization.
- Add a detector of pitch class relations.
- Add voice-leading space in the pitch class calculator.
- Add the documentation about voice-leading spaces.
- Add the calculus of the contour equivalent class members.
- Improve the dynamic buttons layout.
- Improve the code style.
- Improve the pitch class library.
v.1.1.1 2023-12-29
- Fix the multiple add modal in the contour calculator app.
- Fix the interval class vector calculus for multisets.
- Remove useless operations (axes inversions).
- Improve contour log format.
v.1.1 2023-12-26
- New Pitch class composer assistant.
- Improve the chart colors.
- Improve the graph style.
- Improve the objects list layout.
- Add a play button in the objects list.
- Add the Forte class numbers.
- Fix the contour input validator.
- Add the contour similarity graph rendering.
- Add the pcset similarity graph rendering.
- Add the multiple contour segments input.
- Add the multiple pitch class sets input.
- Fix the event listener lifecycle.
- Fix the event listener modifier keys (partial).
- Add the page search feature.
- Add a row subsequence finder.
- Add a row subset finder.
- Improve the dark/light mode colors.
- Refactor the modals structure.
- Add icons to form annotator buttons.
- Add different piano keys' colors for active notes.
v.1.0 2023-11-26
- Update Vuepress to 2.0.
- Update dependencies.
- Add audio interface.
- New Pitch Class processor operations.
- Improve Contour calculator UI.
- Generalize common components.
- Add contour operations documentation.
- Rename from Online Music Tools to Zarlino.
- Improve general layout.
v.0.4.1 2023-10-26
- Fix normal form calculus
- Minor layout improvement
v.0.4 2023-10-25
- New pitch class processing tool.
v.0.3 2023-10-15
- New contour calculator tool (old Contour Metrics).
v.0.2.1 2023-02-22
- Fix partitioning analyser tool.
- Add new music schema in partitioning analyser tool.
v.0.2 2022-12-12
- New basic partitioning analyser tool.
v.0.1 2022-11-28
- New music form annotator tool.